From Monday to Friday there are between 28 and 40 pages and on weekends there are even more; the first page has only one article (the most important), and the last one is a summary of the previous day.
The department of the digital press has its own journalists. Although they have a different kind of work, they are in the same building. The digital journalists can show the information more quickly than the others.
An important point is that 1000 copies are printed an hour, they start being printed at 6:30 p.m. They finish at 1:00 in the morning and then it is delivered all around Austria.
After this we visited the building of the “the Press” and looked at the different departments, we went into a storage room with many old issues of "Presse", in fact there were some of the first newspapers as well and a library with many books. We also met the main editor, he explained the daily routine. The first thing a reporter makes in the morning is reading the newspaper and finding out what is going on in the world. At 10 o´clock he is at his desk and talks to this colleagues about the topics and the news. Then every journalist gets his topic and he starts looking for information. At 12 o´clock they all have a meeting and talk about their ideas. In the afternoon they start writing their articles.
by AndreaOn Monday we attended the Geography class of 7a in which we were divided into four groups and found out a lot about different places in Austria.
The Austrian students were in charge of a zone of the country each. They gathered information and presented the most important facts. It was a greatly organized and vivid class - not boring at all. So all in all, we got to know many new things about our host country!
by DaniFrom the 8th til the 23th of April students from Educrea visited Austria