The teacher came to the class and introduced herself. Then she gave us material with information about Sigmund Freud. We read the biography about his life and his theories. Freud was a Jewish-Austrian neurologist who founded the PSychoanalytic School of psychiatry. He was one of the most important thinkers and he elaborated the theory that the mind is a complex energy-system. After reading the biography we read the dream symbolism and how Freud interprets dreams. Then we played a game that was like a puzzle with a number behind each jigsaw piece. The aim was to interpret dreams in groups at the end.
After that class we went to the “Sigmund Freud Museum”. A guide told us everything about his house, his live, his furniture. It was impressive!

-Freud lived in that house for 50 years and he had to leave the house because of the nationalist regime. He went to live in London and spent the last years of his life there.
-The museum place of high interest: A man stole a hat from the house of Freud and a few years later he sent an anonymous letter and the cap back…explaining everything, because he was a fan of Freud.
-Freuds passions were smoking, travelling and collection different things.
-He smoked a lot and the consequences was that he got cancer and had to be operated 40 times.
-Freud was very ill, and he asked his doctor to help him die with a overdose of imorphine.
-He always had a dog with him, a Chow-Chow.
- In his house there was a room for the patients that had two doors, one was where the patients entered for treatment and the other one was where the patients left, unseen by other patients. Only rich people could afford to be his patients.
-Freud had six sisters and he was the firstborn.
-Freud liked taking cocaine, but he was not an addict. He only used it to animate himself.
-Freud fell in love and sent many love letters to Marta. They couldn’t get married due to his social standing.
-A few years later, when he earned a lot of money because of his own business, Marta finally could get married with him. Together they had six children: three boys and three girls.
-Maria Bonaparte was a patient of Freud and later became a psychologist as well
-A very famous book by Sigmund Freud: “Interpretación de los sueños”
by Bea García & Desiree
After that class we went to the “Sigmund Freud Museum”. A guide told us everything about his house, his live, his furniture. It was impressive!

-Freud lived in that house for 50 years and he had to leave the house because of the nationalist regime. He went to live in London and spent the last years of his life there.
-The museum place of high interest: A man stole a hat from the house of Freud and a few years later he sent an anonymous letter and the cap back…explaining everything, because he was a fan of Freud.
-Freuds passions were smoking, travelling and collection different things.
-He smoked a lot and the consequences was that he got cancer and had to be operated 40 times.
-Freud was very ill, and he asked his doctor to help him die with a overdose of imorphine.
-He always had a dog with him, a Chow-Chow.
- In his house there was a room for the patients that had two doors, one was where the patients entered for treatment and the other one was where the patients left, unseen by other patients. Only rich people could afford to be his patients.
-Freud had six sisters and he was the firstborn.
-Freud liked taking cocaine, but he was not an addict. He only used it to animate himself.
-Freud fell in love and sent many love letters to Marta. They couldn’t get married due to his social standing.
-A few years later, when he earned a lot of money because of his own business, Marta finally could get married with him. Together they had six children: three boys and three girls.
-Maria Bonaparte was a patient of Freud and later became a psychologist as well
-A very famous book by Sigmund Freud: “Interpretación de los sueños”
by Bea García & Desiree
High Society
There are many different reasons you can become famous for. While some people became famous only for being famous, others worked very hard for their dream to come true. A typical example for stars who are famous because they are famous is Paris Hilton.
The bad thing is that many people work very hard, go to many castings and have a real talent, but have never become one of the high societies.
Another reason to become famous is to die young when they are at the top of their career. For example: Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana or Michael Jackson. Because of their death, they will be in our minds forever. After they had died early, they became more famous than they had ever been.
Moreover, there are stars who are not very popular but very famous. Not for doing something very good. No, people know them because of their scandals and the media, which write and talk about them a lot.
For example: Amy Winehouse. They don’t have a popular status but because of their bad status people think and discuss about them and they become more famous.
Often, stars do something scandalous to become more known, to be in the media. For example: they pretend to have an affair or to have a crisis in their relationships.
Nowadays you can become famous very easily. You only have to tell the media the most embarrassing things about your life.
The problem about society is that many young girls and boys want to become famous. So they start to tell about there life to everybody over the radio or the TVs.
Now I want to compare a famous person of Austria with these reasons and explain how he or she became famous.
One of the most important and most famous singers in Austria was
He is a typical example of stars who died very young and became more famous after their death. He died because of a car accident.
At that time he wasn’t at the top of his career (yet).
But before his death, he also tried to do things to become more known.
He reached his plan with scandals. Not like most of the stars do, so he didn’t pretend to have an affair or a crisis in his relationship. Falco produced and sung a song, so that the people started to think/worry and talk about. At first, the songs were forbidden to play. The most scandalous song was “Jane”. The song is about the kidnapping of a young pretty girl. People didn’t know that Falco wanted to get in the media because of this song.
Compared to Isabel Pantoja.
She was born in 1956 in Sevilla, her parents were Juan Pantoja and Ana Martin. She sings “coplas” and she is an old actress; she made a movie called Yo soy esa in 1990 and another famous film called El día que nací yo
She is famous too for getting married with a very important bullfighter, but her husband died and she was very sad. On 2 May 2007 she was arrested, accused of a lot of crimes against a village/the people and for money laundering, she was the wife of the major of Marbella, the man who was in prison for stealing money.
She got out of prison on 3 May 2007 after paying/she paid 90,000 Euros.
She is a very good singer and she has a lot of discs. She started her career in 1971 and the last disc that she made was in 2010.
by Bea García & Desiree
First of all, when we arrived to the Spanish lesson the teacher gave each of us one piece of paper, there were some questions about ourselves, like: what do we normally do… what do we like, dislike… etc.
So, the activity was based on forming/making groups of four people and fill the copy putting in common the information (talking in Spanish of course). Then we had to do like a small interview to the Austrian people, in which they had to tell us what they are doing in the future, what the sport that they like most is… etc. When we finished our small interview the Austrian people had an interview for us. We had to tell them which things we like to do on the weekends, what our favourite colors are, what we do in our free time, and something like this.
In conclusion, we, the Spanish people, learned with this class more things of the Austrian people and the Austrian people knew more from the Spanish people.
She was born in 1956 in Sevilla, her parents were Juan Pantoja and Ana Martin. She sings “coplas” and she is an old actress; she made a movie called Yo soy esa in 1990 and another famous film called El día que nací yo
She is famous too for getting married with a very important bullfighter, but her husband died and she was very sad. On 2 May 2007 she was arrested, accused of a lot of crimes against a village/the people and for money laundering, she was the wife of the major of Marbella, the man who was in prison for stealing money.
She got out of prison on 3 May 2007 after paying/she paid 90,000 Euros.
She is a very good singer and she has a lot of discs. She started her career in 1971 and the last disc that she made was in 2010.
by Bea García & Desiree
First of all, when we arrived to the Spanish lesson the teacher gave each of us one piece of paper, there were some questions about ourselves, like: what do we normally do… what do we like, dislike… etc.
So, the activity was based on forming/making groups of four people and fill the copy putting in common the information (talking in Spanish of course). Then we had to do like a small interview to the Austrian people, in which they had to tell us what they are doing in the future, what the sport that they like most is… etc. When we finished our small interview the Austrian people had an interview for us. We had to tell them which things we like to do on the weekends, what our favourite colors are, what we do in our free time, and something like this.
In conclusion, we, the Spanish people, learned with this class more things of the Austrian people and the Austrian people knew more from the Spanish people.